Yuzhu Peak 玉珠峰 (c)
We visited Yuzhu Peak in May 2023, but were unable to reach the summit, so we came again, this time in October.
2023年5月曾经来过玉珠峰, 但是没有能够登顶,所以我们又来了,这次改在10月上山.
Yuzhu Peak 玉珠峰 (b)
The weather at Yuzhu Peak in May is not so friendly. 5月份的玉珠峰,天气不是那么友好.
Yuzhu Peak 玉珠峰 (a)
Yuzhu Peak in Qinghai is currently the most popular 6,000-meter snow mountain. 位于青海的玉珠峰是一座当前最受欢迎的6000米级雪山.